Information about massage in Leiden and Rebalancing.

Holistic massage Leiden

A holistic massage brings deep relaxation and restores the balance between body and mind. A mix of grips, shaking and stroking techniques are used, sometimes combined with deeper muscle and tissue massage. Techniques from other disciplines are also used, depending on what is needed at that moment. The holistic massage reduces muscle tension, repairs muscles and connective tissue, is good for your skin and supports self-healing.

For a professional holistic massage in Leiden you can go to praktijk Meer Mijzelf and to massage practice In Touch, both located at Kanaalpark 157, Leiden. The products used here, such as massage and essential oils, are always of natural origin and high quality. Body and mind come back into balance!

Holistic vision 

In the holistic view, the body is seen as one whole. Tension of a muscle on one side of the body is usually accompanied by a stretch on the other side. Tightness in one place is compensated by space in another. An incorrect position of the foot, for example, affects the position of the knees and pelvis. The different body parts are not approached as if they are not connected to each other, but rather as part of a larger whole.

The body itself is also not seen as separate from the environment. Your body is part of your environment and is also influenced by it. Think about the air you breathe, the water you drink and the food you take. And, of course, your body and you are also part of a social environment.

The most important principle of the holistic view is that body and mind are seen as one whole. In other words, consciousness expresses itself in your body. Your body 'embodies' your consciousness. During a holistic massage, in addition to the physical body, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of a person can also be considered. It is now also generally known that physical complaints and psychological tension are often linked. A complaint or illness in your body is then a message from your consciousness. An expression of something that is important, that you are not yet aware of or that you would rather not hear, acknowledge or face. In addition to deep relaxation, a holistic massage can also provide more insight into these emotional, mental or spiritual matters that currently play a role in your life.