Information about massage in Leiden and Rebalancing.


As humans, we usually only use a small part of the potential we have. Rebalancing helps to gain more awareness of the unused potential, of the possibilities we have. The body is an important entrance. Respectful touch not only touches skin, muscles or connective tissue, it also touches experiences, memories and emotions stored in the body. For Rebalancing in Leiden you can go here.

Rebalancing is a practical body-oriented method that can be used effectively for personal development. Rebalancing is also helpful with physical, emotional or mental tension.

With targeted questions and respectful touch you can easily get in touch with experiences and emotions stored in your body. This way you can feel it and possibly express it. Then there is relaxation in an area where there was tension before. You regain balance.

Achtergrond Rebalancing

The techniques that can be used in bodywork come from various directions. Some of the directions that have influenced Rebalancing are;

Slowing down, aimed at relaxation and creating space within and around the joints.

Feldenkreis, here small movements bring awareness to ingrained habits and patterns that were previously unconscious. This provides the opportunity to let go of inefficient movements or actions.

Rolfing werkt met diepe weefselmassage om het natuurlijk evenwicht in het lichaam terug te brengen.

En Cranio Sacraal Therapie, waar met zachte aanraking het lichaam wordt uitgenodigd weer te functioneren zoals het oorspronkelijk bedoeld was. Bij het ontvangen van deze techniek kan een diepe ontspanning worden ervaren.

In addition to bodywork, meditation and self-examination are also important in Rebalancing. You can also work with Voice dialogue and Somatic experiencing, among others.

You can find everything about Rebalancing at the Rebalancing Center Netherlands.